Are you aiming to grow your dealership and boost vehicle sales?

We are the automotive marketing specialists who can assist you in achieving this by generating website leads, increasing sales, and driving footfall to your dealership.

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Imagine consistently achieving high rankings on Google and attracting quality traffic, leads, and sales through your website. With the right SEO strategies, that’s exactly what you can achieve. Just like our business which has doubled in size thanks to SEO, your website can develop a fantastic relationship with Google and effectively outcompete your competitors.

Marketing Director, Cromwell Truck Sales

***The UK’s Leading Automotive Marketing  Company***

Trusted By Major Automotive Brands Including

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Volkswagen Logo

We help automotive businesses eliminate roadblocks to increasing leads, sales, and dealership footfall.

Get More People Talking About Your Brand 

We spark conversations about your brand in the automotive world. Through targeted marketing and innovative campaigns, we make sure your brand gets noticed, talked about, and remembered.

Our online marketing strategies are crafted to drive more customers through your doors. By leveraging targeted digital campaigns, we generate leads that boost foot traffic for your automotive business.


Getting More Customers Through The Doors

Our online marketing strategies are designed to ultimately drive more customers through your doors. By leveraging targeted digital campaigns, we generate leads that translate into increased foot traffic for your automotive business.

Creating Modern Websites to Showcase Your Vehicles

We design modern websites that beautifully showcase your vehicles. Featuring sleek designs and user-friendly interfaces, our websites captivate visitors and highlight your vehicles, providing an immersive and memorable browsing experience.

Securing the Future of Your Automotive Business

We ensure the future success of your automotive business. With innovative strategies and cutting-edge solutions, we equip your business to thrive in a constantly evolving market landscape, guaranteeing long-term success and sustainability.

If you find yourself lacking in any of these areas, reach out to our automotive marketing specialists on 01543 899 617. We’re here to help remove any roadblocks standing in the way of your success.

Our Customers Faced These Issues Too. Here’s What Happened When We Helped Them Overcome These Obstacles.

5 x Months

to hit Yearly Visitor Targets

3 x Increase

of Yearly Turnover


We managed to smash our target visits in only 5 months since the website was launched.  Coming from beginners in Analytics, I didn’t feel uneasy and nothing was any trouble.  The communication within the team was always prompt and we were always met with a smile and all our questions were answered.  Very happy with the service.

Grace Gardiner, Marketing, Volkswagen (Automotive Dealer Marketing)

Macs wo blue registered update

Our turnover has tripled ever since we revamped our website and launched focused SEO and PPC campaigns! We’re thrilled with the results and owe it all to the team’s impressive track record of delivering consistent growth.  Their expertise and execution have given us the confidence to keep pushing forward.

Alec & Jo Mcdade, Directors, Macs Trucks (Truck Dealer Marketing)

5 x Months

to hit Yearly Visitor Targets


We managed to smash our target visits in only 5 months since the website was launched.  Coming from beginners in Analytics, I didn’t feel uneasy and nothing was any trouble.  The communication within the team was always prompt and we were always met with a smile and all our questions were answered.  Very happy with the service.

Grace Gardiner, Marketing, Volkswagen (Automotive Dealer Marketing)

3 x Increase

of Yearly Turnover

Macs wo blue registered update

Our turnover has tripled ever since we revamped our website and launched focused SEO and PPC campaigns! We’re thrilled with the results and owe it all to the team’s impressive track record of delivering consistent growth.  Their expertise and execution have given us the confidence to keep pushing forward.

Alec & Jo Mcdade, Directors, Macs Trucks (Truck Dealer Marketing)

How We Steer Success In The Automotive Business…

Driving Automotive SEO & Marketing Success

Our SEO marketing ensures your website stands out when people search for the vehicles you sell on Google & Bing. For instance, we’ve successfully ranked our client’s website above its competitors for the keyword search ‘crane trucks for sale.’ This ensures that potential customers searching for this keyword see our client’s website first, increasing their brand visibility, generating leads, and driving vehicle sales.

SEO for automotive brands includes keyword research, content creation, website and technical optimisations and off-page strategies. These efforts aim to drive you up the search engine rankings, attract more qualified leads and boost brand visibility.


SEO Rankings example jpg

Driving Automotive SEO & Marketing Success

SEO Rankings example jpg

Our SEO marketing ensures your website stands out when people search for the vehicles you sell on Google & Bing. For instance, we’ve successfully ranked our client’s website above its competitors for the keyword search ‘crane trucks for sale.’ This ensures that potential customers searching for this keyword see our client’s website first, increasing their brand visibility, generating leads, and driving vehicle sales.

SEO for automotive brands includes keyword research, content creation, website and technical optimisations and off-page strategies. These efforts aim to drive you up the search engine rankings, attract more qualified leads and boost brand visibility.


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PPC Management and Advertising for Dealerships

Our PPC campaigns secure prime positions for your website in search results. As illustrated by our success stories, we’ve consistently achieved top rankings for our clients, boosting brand visibility, increased website leads, and vehicle sales. 

Furthermore, our clients’ websites often outperforms major competitors in sponsored ads, highlighting the importance of dominating the search results from both SEO and PPC angles to attract potential vehicle buyers. 

PPC Management and Advertising for Dealerships

PPC Rankings example jpg

Our PPC campaigns secure prime positions for your website in search results. As illustrated by our success stories, we’ve consistently achieved top rankings for our clients, boosting brand visibility, increased website leads, and vehicle sales. 

Furthermore, our clients’ websites often outperforms major competitors in sponsored ads, highlighting the importance of dominating the search results from both SEO and PPC angles to attract potential vehicle buyers. 

A Tailored Dealership Website

Our website development services spotlight vehicles at their best. Take, for instance, a recent project for a truck dealership. Our client wanted a sleek, clean design to showcase their vehicles to customers searching for the vehicles he offered, globally. Our design not only wowed the audience with his range of trucks, but also provided crucial information for potential customers, facilitating their purchasing decisions. 

We’ve crafted stunning, user-friendly websites for many truck dealers, car dealerships, and automotive brands that attract visitors and boost vehicle sales. 

Thomas Trucks

A Tailored Dealership Website

Thomas Trucks

Our website development services spotlight vehicles at their best. Take, for instance, a recent project for a truck dealership. Our client wanted a sleek, clean design to showcase their vehicles to customers searching for the vehicles he offered, globally. Our design not only wowed the audience with his range of trucks, but also provided crucial information for potential customers, facilitating their purchasing decisions. 

We’ve crafted stunning, user-friendly websites for many truck dealers, car dealerships, and automotive brands that attract visitors and boost vehicle sales. 

PR coverage

Digital PR Solutions for Automotive Brands

Our digital PR strategies elevate your brand’s online presence. As demonstrated in the example, we’ve effectively secured prominent media placements for clients, enhancing their reputation and visibility. 

We’ve secured backlinks from reputable publications such as Motor Transport, The Mirror, The Express, The Sun, and industry-specific magazines, strengthening your brand’s authority. 

Digital PR Solutions for Automotive Brands

PR coverage

Our digital PR strategies elevate your brand’s online presence. As demonstrated in the example, we’ve effectively secured prominent media placements for clients, enhancing their reputation and visibility. 

We’ve secured backlinks from reputable publications such as Motor Transport, The Mirror, The Express, The Sun, and industry-specific magazines, strengthening your brand’s authority. 

Begin Your Journey With Us In 4 Simple Steps

Step 1

Get In touch with us and tell us about what you would like our experts to help you with.

Step 2

We put together a proposal on how we can help and what you can expect from us

Step 3

We agree our goals and expectations from both sides

Step 4

We start improving your brand awareness, leads & sales using our automotive marketing expertise

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)…

Here are some frequently asked questions about why using an automotive marketing agency is important in generating sales

1. What is an automotive marketing agency?

An automotive marketing agency specialises in promoting vehicle brands, dealerships, and automotive products. These agencies use a combination of digital and traditional marketing strategies to increase visibility, attract potential customers, and ultimately drive sales for automotive businesses.

2. How can an automotive SEO agency benefit my dealership?

An automotive SEO agency focuses on improving your dealership’s online visibility through search engine optimisation. By optimising your website for relevant keywords, creating quality content, and building high-authority backlinks, they can help your site rank higher on search engine results pages. This increased visibility attracts more organic traffic and potential customers to your dealership.

3. What services does an automotive PPC agency offer?

.An automotive PPC (Pay-Per-Click) agency manages paid advertising campaigns on platforms like Google Ads. They create targeted ads that reach potential customers actively searching for automotive services or vehicles. With precise targeting and optimised ad spend, these agencies ensure a high return on investment by driving qualified traffic to your site. One of the key benefits of PPC campaigns is the ability to generate leads quickly. As soon as your ads go live, they can start driving traffic to your website, allowing you to capture leads almost immediately. This rapid lead generation is particularly valuable for automotive businesses looking to boost sales in a short timeframe.

4. Why is SEO important for the automotive industry?

SEO is crucial for the automotive industry because it enhances online visibility, which is vital in an increasingly digital market. With effective SEO strategies, your automotive business can appear at the top of search engine results when potential customers are looking for vehicles or automotive services, thereby increasing website traffic and sales opportunities.

5. How can automotive advertising boost my business?

Automotive advertising encompasses various strategies, from digital ads to traditional media campaigns, designed to promote your automotive business. By targeting the right audience and using compelling messages, effective advertising can increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your dealership, and boost sales.

6. What are the best strategies to increase automotive sales?

To increase automotive sales, consider a multi-faceted approach: optimise your website for search engines, use targeted PPC campaigns, engage in social media marketing, and leverage email campaigns. Additionally, partnering with a specialised marketing agency can provide expert insights and tailored strategies to maximise your sales efforts.

7. How can I get more leads as a car salesman?

To generate more leads as a car salesman, focus on building an online presence by Implementing SEO and PPC strategies. This will attract potential buyers to your website and using a well-designed CRM system helps manage and nurture these leads effectively.

8. What does an automotive digital marketing company do?

An automotive digital marketing company offers a comprehensive suite of services to enhance your online presence. This includes SEO, PPC, social media marketing, content creation, and web design. Their goal is to create integrated marketing strategies that drive traffic, generate leads, and increase sales for your automotive business.

9. Why should I hire an automotive marketing specialist over a generalist?

Hiring an automotive marketing specialist is far superior to working with a generalist because specialists bring in-depth industry knowledge and expertise that generalists lack. Automotive marketing specialists understand the unique challenges and opportunities within the automotive sector, allowing them to develop tailored strategies that effectively target and engage your specific audience. This specialised approach ensures higher efficiency and better results, ultimately leading to greater success for your business.


Explore Our Effective Automotive Marketing Packages & Prices…

Option 1

 “Just Getting On The Road”

We will track the performance of up to 15 keywords.

You’ll receive monthly reports on keyword rankings & traffic.

Virtual Meetings.

Limited support for your SEO questions & concerns.

Basic website tracking setup.

Identification of essential keywords for your industry.

Strategy reviews yearly.

Optimisation of meta tags & basic
content adjustments.

Content updates 2 pages per month.

Local citations & 1 GMB post a month.

Basic website review & recommendations.

Basic technical SEO optimisations.

Monitor & track 1-2 competitors

Option 2

“Picking Up Speed”

We will track the performance of up to 30 keywords.

You’ll receive monthly reports on keyword rankings & traffic.

Virtual Meetings.

Our team will be available for questions & guidance as needed.

Standard tracking of forms & events.

We’ll identify valuable keyword.

Strategy review’s bi-Annually.

We will optimise meta tags, headings, & content for selected keywords.

Content updates 3 pages per month.

Local citations & 4 GMB posts a month.

Digital PR 1 piece every 6 months.

In-depth analysis & provide actionable recommendations.

Identify technical aspects & provide actions.

Monitor & track 5 competitors & make strategic adjustments.

Our team will build relevant backlinks

Option 3

“Going The Distance”

We will track the performance of up to 50 keywords.

You’ll receive monthly reports on keyword rankings & traffic.

Mixed in-person & virtual meetings.

Direct access to a dedicated SEO expert.

Customisation of reporting & tracking.
We’ll target high-impact keywords for your business.

Strategy reviews Quarterly.

We will optimise your website’s meta tags, headings, & content for
improved search engine rankings.

Content updates 4 pages per month.

Local citations & 4 GMB posts a month.

Digital PR 1 piece every 3 months.

In-depth analysis & implement our findings.

Address technical aspects & fix any issues.

Monitor & track 10 competitors & make strategic adjustments.

Our team will develop a high-quality backlink strategy.

3 Reasons why your website is not bringing you more sales…

…And what you can quickly do about it.

check  The 3 sales-stopping mistakes website owners unwittingly make.

check  3 simple self-check performance tests you can do on your website right now.

check  Your 33 Step Action Checklist to start making more sales from your website.


Download Your Copy Now!

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3 Reasons why your website is not bringing you more sales…

…And what you can quickly do about it.

check  The 3 sales-stopping mistakes website owners unwittingly make.

check  3 simple self-check performance tests you can do on your website right now.

check  Your 33 Step Action Checklist to start making more sales from your website.


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